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::: Project Samples :::

The following is a small selection of our works in the past years, which differ in their design and programming. You can view each one online by clicking on the its link.

turk arab

الدليل التجاري التركي الدولي

بهدف التعريف بالمنتجات التركية والعالمية, ولتطوير الصادرات والفرص التجارية من خلال نشر الاعلانات

turk arab


Triple Company is a leading supplier of Digital and offset printing solutions for the printing and

turk arab

Giant Promotions Ltd

Giant Promotions Ltd as been providing businesses and non-profit organizations in Atlantic Canada

turk arab

أول صحيفة رياضية سعودية

أول صحيفة رياضية سعودية الكترونية أول صحيفة الكترونية رياضية.. سعودية الملامح... حيادية الرأي. حارس الاستقلال

turk arab

صحيفة التحرير اليمنية

من نحن ؟! ماذا نريد ؟! ولماذا موقع (التحرير نت) ؟! أسئلة مشروعة بل ومن حق كل إنسان يمني على وجه الارض أن يطرح هذه (الأسئلة

turk arab

صحيفة اليقين اليمنية

كنا نحلم بدولة مدنية لا مكية ، طلعت لنا دولة نجدية تخنق أحلامنا الوطنية!! وكنا نحلم بدولة مدنية حضرية لا قبلية ولا ريفية ..

turk arab

موقع جريدة المرصاد

يتحدث الخبير النيوزلندي الاقتصادي ، وهو أحد الاقتصاديين في بورصة سدني ومهندس سوق الأوراق المالية الآسيوية ومتخصص


موقع السخنة - الاردن

أول تحرك الشيشان ( مهاجري الأردن ) من بلادهم تجاه الأراضي التركية ووصولهم إلى منطقة ألوار في تركيا في نفس السنة بزعامة رئيس الطريقة الصوفية

turk arab


Sindbad Jordanian Tours is a full service travel agency based in Jordan, It was established in 2013

turk arab


Welcome to Jordan Horizons Tours , if you need help simply reply to this message, we are online and our....

turk arab


We would like to give you a short introduction about us, so you know who is inviting you to spend your holiday

turk arab


People have lived in Rum for thousands of years, struggling to survive in its harsh environment.



Joy of Life Wadirum is a Bedouin camp located in the Wadi Rum desert, Jordan. At our camp, we provide fun,



Hello and Salam. I am Audeh kareem Alzalabiah, was born and grew up in the desert of wadi rum in Jordan.

turk arab


About the people living in this village, like me, my family and the rest of our large tribe we are all Bedouins ...



We are a Bedouin friends settled here in Wadi Rum. But first we grew up in the heart of the desert of Wadi Rum.


jormedia.com started to design and host websites in 2004 with the beginnings of the Internet technologies. In that early period, the task of designing a website for any client was complex and required writing lines and lines of HTML. The designed website usually appeared, at best, in the form of a brochure, displaying texts and pictures, and nothing more. But despite this limitation, we used to find the site that was uploaded to the server appearing on the search engines within a day or two... Then. We did not suffer from the complexities that Google imposed on web designers these days. The main design tool available to us at that time was Dreamweaver from Macromedia.

As for the year 2005, we began to see a series of web design design programs and systems. Which is known as CMS or content management software. The most famous of these then was Mambo. Mambo helped us a lot in the process of designing websites, and saved us a lot of time and effort. Two years later, the lights of the mambo faded away all the sudden one day, when the owners turned it into a purely commercial project, despite it being a team effort and open source.

Out of shock and denunciation of what "Mambo" has become. Its volunteer programmers gathered in a new forum and decided to abandon Mambo forever. And started issuing a new content management system with a new name. To our surprise the name “JOOMLA” was chosen in a public vote.

These were the beginnings of the Joomla project. The project is still standing and constantly evolving in stable upgrades, Joomla has become second to WordPress. I do not know why I do not like working or dealing with this "Word Press", although it is very popular and much welcomed. But still, I insist to rely on Joomla in my design work and never get bored of it.





::: Systems We Use :::

:::   Jormedia Location Map  :::